Saturday, 9 April 2011

Problems uploading our evaluation

Our evaluation is 16 minutes long which means it is a large file. As the file was so large it took a long time for it to export out of final cut and into a quick time file. When it did export the file was still very large so I had to put the file into garage band and then export it into an I pod format which is considerably smaller but still large. As we were restricted for time at school I had to copy the smaller file onto my hard drive. When I returned home I tried uploading our evaluation onto You Tube. It eventually uploaded but as I opened it, it was unfortunately removed from You Tube as the video was too long. I then tried uploading the video straight onto the blog but it would not allow me to as the file was either in the wrong format or too large. I then had to download a file compressing soft ware that enabled me to downsize the file. I then tried uploading the video onto the blog again and it was successful.  

1 comment:

  1. cut your video into two parts and post on youtibe - better quality.

    Also, you have NOT completed a submission form so I have none of the relevant details to mark your coursework. This is VERY SERIOUS as effectively you have NOT submitted your work... I'm only contacting you like this as I have no other options. Please email me at so I can send you the submission form you were supposed to complete - thanks

    Mrs Thrasher
